Sunday, April 6, 2014

Season 01, Episode 07: "Moonlight"

*The scene opens with the view slowly descending from the sky, down into the church where we last left Jace and the survivors. Jace is still hugging that girl. He smiles and takes the machete from the older gentleman. The crowd of survivors starts to gather around them. Jace looks into the girl's eyes, and smiles.*

"I've missed you so much, Alexa," says Jace, as he looks into her eyes.

"I've missed you too. I honestly didn't think you were going to come."

"Well I'm here now. That's all that matters."

"That's so incredibly cheesy," says Alexa, shaking her head with a smile on her face. "What made you come here?"

"Your text. I wanted to make sure you were alright. I couldn't stand not knowing, so I rushed over here."

"Where is your mom, and Art?"

Jace looks down for a second, and sighs. "They're gone."

"I'm so sorry," says Alexa, hugging Jace tighter. "So you don't have anyone?"

"Well, I have you." Jace smiles at Alexa, as she smiles back.

"That's sweet, but so incredibly cheesy." Alexa smiles and kisses Jace on the cheek.

*The older gentleman coughs and gives Alexa a look. Alexa moves her hands from Jace's shoulders to her sides and nods at the older gentleman.*

"Jace, I have some people I'd like you to meet." Alexa walks over to the older gentleman and puts her hand on his shoulder. "This is my uncle, Ben."

"Nice to meet you, sir," says Jace as he reaches out to shake his hand.

"Likewise, young man," says Ben as he smiles and shakes Jace's hand.

"The rest of the group are Jim, his fiance' Selena," Alexa points towards the front steps of the church, "out here we have the Harris'; Don, his wife Alice, and their two kids Tammy and Andy." The Harris' smile and wave at Jace. "Then we have Frank, his son Mark, and..." Alexa opens the door to the confessional booth and makes a face, "are you coming out?" A little girl comes out of the booth, holding on to Alexa's arm.

"Hey, Hannah," says Jace, smiling.

"Hey, Jace," says Hannah, still holding on to Alexa's arm.

"Well, you obviously remember my little sister."

"How old is she now?" asks Jace.

"She's about to be seven, next week," says Alexa, nudging her little sister.

"We really need to get going. We can't stay here for much longer. We need to find a place to stay," says Ben.

"What about weapons, and supplies?" asks Jim. "We could go to sporting goods stores, Bass Pro - "

"Umm, yeah. Bass Pro went up in flames. I was just there. I have a car out front full of supplies. Does everyone else have transportation?" asks Jace. "We could split up the supplies and go find somewhere to stay for the night."

"Always prepared," says Alexa, smiling at Jace and nudging him.

"You know me," says Jace, smiling back.

"Alright. We better get a move on. It's going to be night soon," says Ben. Leading the group out of the church.

*The scene changes to show the group starting to split up the supplies. They start to go into different vehicles, Jace's car, and a van. We see shots of them driving through town, Jace driving with Alexa in the passenger seat. We see them looking at each other, and smiling. Then suddenly the scene changes to show the group standing next to the van that seems to have broken down. The angle changes and focuses on Jace.*

I don't know if I was more annoyed that the van broke down, or the fact that I felt kind of stuck with this group now. I wanted to make sure Alexa was fine. After the walkie fiasco that's all that I could really think about. I really don't have anyone now, except for her. But now I guess I have Ben, and Hannah, and the rest of this group as well.

"We can walk from here. We just have to stick together, be on the lookout, and we can find a place to stay," says Ben as he starts to gather his things. I looked at Alexa, she shrugged and starting to gather things.

"What about my car?" I asked.

"Park it for now, Jace. We'll remember where we left it, that way we can come back for it later," says Ben. I was concerned, so I looked at Alexa for some sort of support, but she kept gathering supplies. "Look, son. I know you don't want to leave the car here, but we can't split up, and we can't all fit into your car. We will just have to walk from here, and we'll have a small group come back in the morning."

I started to open my mouth, but Alexa quickly covered it. "Let's just do what he says for now. We can come back for your car later, and we'll find some other form of transportation for everyone else. Let's just take what we can right now, and we'll come back tomorrow for the rest. Please, trust him. And don't argue with him like you do everyone else."

I take Alexa's hand off of my mouth and shrug. "I don't argue with everyone."

"You're arguing with her right now," says Hannah, smiling up at me as she grabs a bag of Poptarts.

"You see? Even a seven year old knows better." Alexa says, smiling at Hannah.

"I'm six."

"Alright, Hannah," says Alexa as she grabs more things. I strap the crossbow to my back, made sure the machete was in my belt, and grabbed the aluminum baseball bat. I grabbed a few more bags of guns, ammo, and food.

*Jace slams the trunk of his car as the scene changes to the group walking through town. Tammy is standing next to Alexa, talking to her.*

"Is he your boyfriend?" asks Tammy. I looked up, waiting to hear Alexa's response.

"No. He used to be," said Alexa. She looked back at me and smiled a half smile, then turned around and kept on walking. I guess that's a fair response. Ben walks over to me, not even looking at me and starts to talk.

"I appreciate you risking your life for my niece like that. But I don't want you thinking that she's going to fall in love with you and run away with you over this. If you are going to be part of this group there are a few rules you'll need to abide by. Number one, when it comes to Alexa and Hannah, I make the decisions. Number two, don't argue with me. I'm an old man, I know more than you. Number three, stop being so reckless, not everybody loves a hero - "

"What's number four? Only breathe when I ask? Number five; is it that I can only speak when spoken to? Let me guess number six; you have absolute power?" I lost my cool and started to pop off. I couldn't really stand him. I wasn't a child, and I didn't need all these rules put in place for me.

"Jace, stop!" Alexa drops her things and rushes over to me, getting in between us.

"Young man, you will talk to me with some respect." At that moment I lost it, dropped my things and started to move closer to him. I saw Frank and Don start to hold Ben back as Alexa held me back.

"You need to stop, Jace. This can't happen." Alexa holding me by my shoulders looks into my eyes. "Please, Jace. You need to stop this. Your temper isn't going to win you any popularity contests here."

"I don't give a fuck. He needs to stop talking to me like I'm a child."

"In my eyes you are a child."

"Uncle Ben, please!" I push Alexa's arms off of me and walk right up to Ben. I stand up tall, and look him right in the eyes.

"I'm not gonna hit you. I just want you to understand that I will not be talked to like that."

"Like what?!" says Ben, dropping his things and standing his ground.

"Like a child. Don't you disrespect me after I saved your lives."

"For Christ's sake, Jace." Alexa looked worried, looking down at the ground, pinching the area between her eyes, an annoyed look forming on her face.

"You saved our lives? If I remember correctly I saved your life out on the steps, and Alexa had to learn to use a crossbow in five seconds in order to keep a zombie from biting your neck."

I felt stupid at that moment, realizing what my mouth has just caused. I looked down and sighed, but decided to keep going. "Fine. But would you all have made it out of the church without me?"

"Jace, for fuck's sake! Shut up! It's not always about you. You're still doing it. After all this time, it's still The Jace Show, starring Jace." Alexa picked up her things and started to walk over to me. Her bottom lip quivering, she said, "That's why we aren't together anymore, Jace. It was always about you." Alexa then walked off, continuing down the road. The rest of the group started to pick their things up and carried on, but not before giving me dirty looks.

I just stood there, not knowing what to say. Why did I do this? I was so mad at Art for doing the same thing, and now I'm here letting my mouth dig me into an even deeper hole. I'm pushing away the only person I have left now.

I stood there, as Ben put his hand on my shoulder. "Son, I know you care about her, so I'm going to tell you this. Control your temper, help the group. Be part of the group. Help protect us, make that your primary goal. This isn't about you. We want to survive. If you want that too then please, stay and help. But if all you want is to win her back," Ben points to a parallel road, "then that's the path you may want to take."

Ben continues on walking as I stand there, not knowing what to do. I shrug it off and continue on with the group.

*The scene changes to Jace and the group in a house. Night has fallen, and Jace sits in a corner, looking at the fireplace. Alexa comes up to him, sitting next to him. She looks at him, Jace glaces off into the fire. Alexa nudges him.*

"Hey little troublemaker," is all I could say. I didn't really want to talk. I felt embarrassed about today. I had made such an ass out of myself that I couldn't even stand to look at her.

"What's on your mind, big troublemaker?"

"You're right. It's always about me. I realized that today. That's why we aren't together. That's why I push everyone away."

"Jace - "

"No. It's true. I thought maybe I could do right by you. Come back and make things right. But I did it for me, not for you. I wanted to be the hero. I wanted you to fall in love with me all over again."

"How could I fall in love with you all over again if I never stopped?" Alexa said, smiling at me. I look over and notice a chain around her neck. I reach over and pull the locket from under her shirt.

"You still have this?" I ask, realizing what it was. It was this locket that I had given her a long time ago, with the design of a tree on it. I was almost certain that she had thrown it away after we broke up.

"Yeah, I never let it go. I couldn't." Alexa looks off into a corner, tears swelling up in her eyes.

"Baby," that's all I could say, as I reached in and hugged her. We kissed for a second, then I broke the kiss to say, "I'm so sorry. I'm stupid. I should have never pushed you away."

"You didn't push me too far."

"I want to do right by you, Alexa. This is my last chance. I can't push you away. Not again."

"This is our last chance, Jace. You aren't in this alone," Alexa says, as she leans in and kisses my cheek, then my neck. I laugh a little, looking at her as she pulls back and smiles at me. "So a fresh start then?"

"Yeah. I'd like that."

"Well then, let's get reacquainted." Alexa gets up and grabs my hand, pulling me up to my feet. I look at her with a confused look on my face as she motions upstairs with a familiar grin.

"Ohhh!" I say, kind of making a face, looking around at the rest of the group. "What about them?"

"We'll be quiet. We've done it before, haven't we?" Alexa says, with an evil grin. "C'mon, baby."

"Real Love (iTunes Session Version)" by Beach House

*The scene shows Alexa leading Jace up the stairs. They both make their way as quietly as possible. Alexa finds an empty room, leads Jace into it as she closes the door behind her. Alexa pushes Jace onto the bed and smiles at him. Jace smiles back, then Alexa starts to reach down, pulling her shirt up over her head. She leans in and kisses Jace as he starts to move her bra straps. The two look into each others eyes as we see Alexa climb on top of Jace.*

"I love you. I always have, and I never stopped," says Alexa as she kisses me once again. I couldn't pinpoint the feeling, but I was just overtaken by this calmness, like everything was right, this was right, she was right, and that nothing could ruin this. I kissed her back and smiled.

"I love you too, baby." I started to reach over, trying to take her locket off, but she stops me.

"Leave it on. I never take it off for anything." Alexa looked at me, and all I could do at that point was smile, and kiss her. I let her keep the locket on. It didn't even get in the way at all. Actually, I kind of found it to be really romantic. But don't you find everything romantic when you're in love?

*The scene starts to slowly change, showing the two start to shed more clothing and get under the covers. We see Alexa start to kiss Jace, then his shoulder, down his chest, down his body. Jace smiles and pulls the covers up to see, as we get a side view of Jace smiling. Alexa comes back up and kisses Jace as we see her climb back on, then both let out a slight moan as we see the two getting adjusted. The two kiss once again as the scene starts to move out the window, focusing on the moon as it fades to black.

We see morning hit, as the two are in bed together. The two look at each other and smile. The scene cuts to the group walking down streets in town again. Jace and Alexa standing almost right next to each other within the group. Glances back and forth, smiles being exchanged, as we see Ben walking behind them, shaking his head in apparent disapproval.

The scene changes to see the group fighting off a few walkers. Alexa is taken down, but Jace quickly comes to her rescue. He pulls Alexa up after killing the walker and kisses her, while another member of the group is being attacked not even five feet away. Ben shoots that walker down and looks over at Jace and Alexa. Jace sighs and picks up his crossbow as Ben gives him a look.

We now see the group in a new house, the fireplace is lit and the group is huddled around on couches and sleeping bags. We see Jace and Alexa curled up together, Jace's arm around her as they sit together a little removed from the group. Ben walks over and motions for Alexa to come with him. We see Ben and Alexa arguing in another room, as Jace gets up and walks over to them. He grabs Alexa's hand and leads her back into the living room where everyone is. Jace turns around and stares at Ben as the two make their way back to the rest of the group.

We get a cut to another scene seeing the group walking in town again. Days must be going by as we see the group start to get bloodier, and dirtier. Jace walks up to Alexa and holds her hand, walking right next to her. Alexa smiles and holds Jace's hand tighter. Jace looks back and gives Ben a dirty look. Ben starts to walk a little faster, but is held back by Frank. Frank looks at Ben and shakes his head.

We see the group go into another house as night starts to fall. We see them moving the couch in front of the door. We see some of the survivors starting to board up windows, getting things ready for the night. Jace starts to look through the supplies, realizing that they are running low on food and ammo. Alexa comes up to Jace and hugs him from behind, changing the expression on his face. Jace smiles and looks back at Alexa and kisses her.

Ben walks over to the couple and tells Jace to come with him. They have a discussion in a separate room, but Jace isn't listening. Jace throws his arms up and begins to yell. We see the other survivors notice walkers starting to come up to the house. Frank runs into the separate room and covers Jace's mouth. Jace pushes Frank off of him and punches him in the face. Alexa runs up to Jace and covers his mouth as walkers start to come up to the front door. We hear the groans of the walkers as they start to bang on the door. The survivors hit the ground and stay quiet and still. The walkers eventually lose interest and walk away. Everyone gets up and looks over at Jace, his mouth still be covered by Alexa's hand as the scene starts to fade to black.*

*The scene changes to show the group in a different house in front of a fire. Most of the group is asleep, scattered around couches and sleeping bags. The front door is barricaded, the windows all boarded up. Jace sits by himself in front of the fire, looking into it as Alexa walks up behind him and holds him close.*

"You can't keep doing this," says Alexa as she holds me.

"Doing what?"

"Being so rebellious and letting your temper get the best of you. I love you, Jace. I do. I never stopped loving you, but I just can't handle you like this. I'm glad you're here, and I am so grateful that you came to find me, but you are pissing everyone off. And if you continue being like this, the group won't have it. They think you're a loose cannon."

"I don't care what they think. I came here for one reason, and that's you. I love you too, Alexa. I want to make sure you're okay. That's all I care about right now."

"You can't be like that though. You have to care about yourself, and about the rest of the group."

"Fuck the rest of the group!"

"Jace, shh, they're trying to - "

"I don't care! None of them like me. You're uncle Ben sure as hell doesn't like me!" I keep yelling as the group starts to wake up. "I only came here for you. You are the only one I care about. I don't have to take this shit from your uncle, or these other people!"

"JACE! SHUT UP!" Alexa screams at me.

At that very moment all that can be heard is the sound of walkers pounding at the walls. The group huddles close and grabs their weapons. We hear more and more walkers start to walk up to the house. At that very moment we hear a gunshot ring out some fifty yards away. It grabs the walkers attention and they start to head in that direction. I turn around and notice Ben.

Ben stands up, holding his rifle. He looks straight at me. "If you ever put this group in that kind of danger again, so help me God, I will strike you down. You may not care about the rest of the group, but we all sure as hell care about each other." Ben then walks away, as the rest of the group looks at me with disapproving glances.

"Jace. I just, I just can't." Alexa gets up and walks away from me.

*The scene fades to black, then reappears as the flame of the fire starts to die out. Jace wakes up, looking around as Ben, Alexa, and Hannah are all walking around the room, staring at empty couches and sleeping bags.*

"They left," says Alexa, looking at me. "They all left, because of you."

"I didn't mean to - "

"I don't care, Jace! You always do this! All you ever do is push people away!" Alexa grabs her things and starts heading out the front door. Hannah goes off chasing after her.

Ben looks at me, then begins to say, "Jace, you did this to yourself. And now you did this to us. Why can't you understand that - "

At that very moment all I could hear is a scream. I grab my crossbow and run out, only to see Alexa being hoisted up onto this guy's shoulder on a motorcycle. Then I see Hannah being pulled by the collar of her shirt by another guy on a motorcycle. Both men wearing black vests with a weird logo on the back. The two men on motorcycles ride off, the sound of their motors filling the sky. I watch as they start to ride off. I start chasing them down the road, trying my hardest to keep up, but I run out of breath. I look back and notice another one of them trying to get on his motorcycle. I pull him off of his bike and punch him in the face. I knock him down to the ground and start to get my crossbow.

"Where did they take them?!" I yell, pointing my crossbow at him.

"Jace, don't do anything stupid," says Ben.

"You gonna shoot me? Do it, punk," the biker says. I stand there, anger in my eyes as I put my finger on the trigger.

"Tell me now, or I swear to God I'll put an arrow through you."

"Jace - " says Ben, looking worried. He holds up his rifle, looking around to make sure the coast is clear.

"You don't have the guts," the guy in the vest says. I lick my bottom lip and start to pull on the trigger, quickly aiming the crossbow at his leg. The arrow goes clean through his thigh. I reload and point the crossbow back at him.

"You were saying?" The man starts to scream out. He grasps the spot, crying out in agony. "Now, are you going to tell me where they are? Or do you need another arrow to convince you?"

"Jace. This isn't the way."

"Ben, you need to stop talking to me like a kid. I'm not your damn kid!" I look back at the biker, rage in my eyes, holding the crossbow at him, aiming right between the eyes. "Now, are you going to talk?"

"Fuck off!" he says. I do it again, quickly shooting him through the other leg, right below his knee. He screams out in agony again, I move closer and step right on the arrow, driving it further into him.

"Now, is that how you talk to someone? So should I make it three, or are you going to talk now?"

"ALRIGHT! I'LL TALK!" the biker screams out. He lays back on the ground and breathes in. "They're going to Toys R Us!"

"Don't fuck with me, man. I'll put another arrow right through you, I swear to God."

"I'm not fucking with you! We took that store over. We figured no one would go into a toy store during a zombie apocalypse. They're taking the girls there."

"For what?" asks Ben, a concerned look on his face.

"What do you think, old man?" I start to lose my cool, stepping on the arrow again. "FUCK! STOP! PLEASE STOP!"

"Then answer his question," I say, still pointing my crossbow at him.

"A gang of dudes, and no chicks? You do the math." I shoot him again, this time in his right arm. He screams and instantly grabs the arrow, starting to pull it out, he stops and continues to scream.

Ben pulls me aside, and starts to talk to me. "We have to get there, otherwise they will - "

"I know, Ben. I'm not stupid."

"We have to do something, Jace. We don't have a car."

"I can ride the motorcycle to my car. I'll come back, pick both of you up. We can't kill him. Besides, we need him to show us where they are, and to make sure he isn't lying."

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" the biker yells, trying to tug away at the arrows.

"Trust me, Ben. You watch him, I'll be back in no time."

"Son, I don't know about this. We aren't supposed to be doing this. This isn't right."

"Will you just trust me? They are going to hurt Alexa and Hannah if we don't do something. Ben, they're going to -"

"Please, Jace. Don't say it."

"Trust me on this. I'm not your kid, Ben. Quit talking to me like I am." I start to walk away from Ben.

"If you're going to do this and help me find them then you might as well be," says Ben, looking down at his gun. "I wanted to protect those girls. And now so do you. Anyone that loves my niece the way you do, well then, I want to make sure I protect them as well. Look, I don't know you all too well, but I know that Alexa cares about you, maybe even loves you. That's enough for me. I'm going to talk to you like a kid because to me, you are my responsibility."

"I'm not your responsibility. The only thing you have to be responsible for is helping me get Alexa and Hannah back. You watch him. I'll come right back."

"You sick son of a bitch! I'm gonna make sure they chop your balls off and feed them to -" Before the guy can finish his threat I shoot him again, this time on his leg below the knee, just to match the other one. "FUCKING AYE!" the guy screams out, again in pain.

"Ben, he isn't going anywhere. Just get him to shut up before any walkers hear."

"Walkers?" Ben asks.

I sigh and nod. "Zombies. If he keeps yelling like he is he's liable to attract a whole group of them. And in his condition he isn't going to be running anywhere soon." I look over to the guy, still talking to Ben. "So it's in his best interest to shut the hell up, unless he wants to be zombie bait."

"FUCK YOU!" he says, looking up at me.

"Ben, keep him quiet. He's no good to us dead." I start to walk off, getting on the motorcycle. "And don't let him break any of those arrows. I need them back in one piece."

*Jace rides off on the motorcycle as the sun starts to come up. The scene quickly changes to Jace dumping the motorcycle and unlocking his car. He gets in and starts it. The scene switches to show Jace returning, getting out of his car, walking up to the biker, pulling every arrow out of him quickly. The biker screams out in pain. Ben and Jace pick him up and put him in the back of the car. Jace now driving as Ben and the biker sit in the back seats. We get a shot of the car speeding off quickly as the sun continues to rise. The scene changes to show Jace pull up to the Toys R Us parking lot. Ben and Jace pull the biker out of the car, sitting him next to it, facing away from Toys R Us. Jace opens the trunk of his car and starts to collect guns and ammo, filing his pockets with them as Ben looks at him in shock. Ben starts to shake his head as Jace makes sure every gun is locked and loaded. He hands Ben a gun then walks over to the biker.*

"Now you swear to God that they are in there?" I asked the biker, pointing my crossbow at him.

"Yes. They are in there. Don't you see the bikes?" he points over to the bikes that are parked in front of the store. "They will be in the back of the store, in the back rooms. The storage section. Now please, don't shoot me anymore." I pick him and up drag him along with me.

"Ben, I'm taking him with me. If he's lying he's getting a bullet to the head."

"Jace. We don't do this. We don't kill the living." Ben says, setting the gun I handed him down.

"Ben, I'm going to do whatever I have to to get Alexa and Hannah back. You stay out here, behind the car. If anything happens you shoot. Don't worry about me. Just focus on getting the girls back." I dragged the biker into the store and held a gun to his head. "You scream and I'll pull this trigger, and I swear to you there will be a special on 'My Bloody Barbie', so help me God."

"You won't get away with this. They are going to kill you. You don't get it do you? You can't beat The Aces & Eights."

"The Aces & Eights? What are you, a biker gang?"

"No. We're your worst nightmare."

We walked into the store, pushing the doors apart. I toss the stupid biker into the store, looking at the back of his vest. It's a symbol, a skull with playing cards. I smile a little as I start to take the vest off of him.

"My worst nightmare huh?"

"Exactly. You won't win. They are probably raping the girls right now. Both of them. Then you are going to try to be the hero. You're gonna fail. They are going to beat you down, and make you watch. You can't win, boy."

"What makes you so sure about that?"

"You shoot a bunch of arrows into nothing but flesh. You don't have it in you. You're spineless." The biker looks towards the back as we start to see some movement. We hear some men talking as he looks back at me. "It's only a matter of time before they notice we're here. Then they are going to beat you like a dog, make you watch as they take your girl in front of you. They'll slit her throat, right in front of you, let you watch as she bleeds out, then they'll beat you down, leaving you there to let you die a slow and painful death."

*We see another biker start to move around the store. He sees Jace, taking aim at him with his gun. He moves closer, looking at the injured biker, nodding at him. The injured biker smiles as he notices his fellow group member. Jace holds his gun at the injured biker, looking at him.*

"You really think that's what's going to happen?"


*The other biker inches closer, holding his gun, taking aim at Jace's head.*

"The way I see it, they are going to find out sooner than later that we're here. And you're going to find out sooner than later that I'm not spineless as you say. But tell me this. How many of them will come out once they notice that we're here?"

"Maybe ten, twenty, who knows. It all depends on how many of them have their cocks inside of your girl right now."

*The other biker gets right behind Jace, taking the safety off as he puts his finger on the trigger.*

"That's nice. Well, maybe they'll come running once they hear a bullet go through one of their own."

*Jace turns around and shoots the other biker in the head. The sound of the shot rings out through the store as we hear the rest of The Aces & Eights shuffling around out of the back room.*


*Jace points the gun at the injured biker and picks him up, holding the gun to his head. The sunlight starts to shine through the store windows as the sun continues to rise. We see a shot of Jace moving forward, holding the injured biker with a gun to his head.*

"Who's that stumbling around in the dark?" another biker says, holding his weapon close.

*Jace steps out into the sunlight and stares right back at the group, holding the gun to the injured biker's head.*

"Who are you?" the biker asks.

"I'm your worst nightmare."

"Django" by Luis Bacalov & Rocky Roberts

*The scene ends with Jace holding the injured biker at gunpoint. The angle starts to pull back as we see the dead biker behind Jace and about twenty bikers all with guns pointed at Jace, as the scene fades to black.*

Music From This Episode:
"Real Love (iTunes Session Version)"
Beach House
iTunes Session EP
Luis Bacalov & Rocky Roberts
Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God! The Django Unchained references were amazing! Such a cliffhanger! Jace is starting to become a bit of a badass. I love how this episode covers his inner demons, and shows how he is as a person. The song choices were brilliant. I never thought I'd associate Beach House with the zombie apocalypse. It was a great song choice, and the end was soooooo good. This story is pretty awesome.
